This is a popular request from our academic customers – How can we restrict student email accounts so they cannot send or receive outside of the organization? Here are the steps we use for Office 365:
How to Restrict Email Delivery in Office365
Note: In this example, we will restrict email for a group so they can only send and receive messages within the organization
- Sign in o office 365 using an Administrator account.
- On the left hand side, select Admin -> Exchange
- On the left hand side, select Mail Flow
- Restrict inbound
- Click on the + sign and select Create a New Rule
- Enter a name like “Do not allow inbound”
- Under Apply this rule if, select “If the sender is located” select “Outside this organization”
- Under Do the following, select “Reject the message with Explanation” and enter a message such as “External messages not allowed”
- Click on More Options at the bottom of the screen
- Scroll up to Apply this rule if, click Add Condition
- Select “The recipient is a member of” and select the group you want to restrict
- Click Save
- Restrict Outbound
- Click on the + sign and select Create a New Rule
- Enter a name like “Do not allow outbound”
- Under Apply this rule if, select “If the sender is located” select “inside this organization”
- Under Do the following, select “Reject the message with Explanation” and enter a message such as “External messages not allowed”
- Click on More Options at the bottom of the screen
- Scroll up to Apply this rule if, click Add Condition
- select “The sender is a member of” and select the group you want to restrict
- Click Save
- Test by:
- Sending a message from an internal mailbox to another internal mailbox (this should work)
- Sending a message from an internal mailbox to an external mailbox (this should NOT work)
- Sending a message from an External mailbox to an internal mailbox (this should NOT work)